Friday, June 15, 2007

Flickr and photos from erikcpattison

On the right you will find an RSS feed entitled photos from erikcpattison. These are my photos that I have put on my Flickr account.


Bethany Wilkes said...

Erik--your blog is already amazing! Thanks for your contributions.

Erik Pattison said...

You bet! Thanks! I've never actually done this before but because SO MANY websites are moving in the web 2.0 direction in some way or another I thought I would see if I could get with the program so to speak.
Another web 2.0 technology is Digg.
This is a site where content is sorted by how relevant or popular each item is. It's very popular with tech people. If you want to tell someone looking for something you can tell them to go "Digg it" :-)